var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["capi"] = {"doc":"These are helper methods for building C APIs that have "alloc" and "free" methods to handle memory allocation of Rust objects.","items":[[8,"ToCOwned","capi","Takes a Box and returns a C pointer that can be given to a C program to use for as long as it wants.",null,null],[10,"to_c_owned","","Takes a box and returns a const C pointer to box's content without freeing the box.",0,null],[10,"to_c_owned_mut","","Takes a mutable box and returns a C pointer to box's content without freeing the box.",0,null],[8,"FromCOwned","","Takes ownership back from C. The pointer must not be used after `to_owned_from_c()` is called.",null,null],[10,"to_owned_from_c","","The pointer must not be null.",1,null],[10,"as_ref_from_c","","Lets you "peek" the content pointed to by the pointer *without* taking ownership back. You're borrowing the object from C.",1,null],[10,"as_ref_from_c_mut","","",1,null]],"paths":[[8,"ToCOwned"],[8,"FromCOwned"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);