Expand description
Minimalist game framework. Currently has systems for:
Example of a basis for a game:
Due to the crate alsa-sys being use for linux the following packages are required:
§Debian/Ubuntu etc
apt install libasound2-dev pkg-config
dnf install alsa-lib-devel
extern crate caper;
use caper::game::*;
use caper::imgui::Ui;
use caper::input::Key;
use caper::mesh::gen_cube;
use caper::types::{DefaultTag, RenderItemBuilder, TransformBuilder};
use caper::utils::handle_fp_inputs;
fn main() {
// crate an instance of the game struct
let (mut game, event_loop) = Game::<DefaultTag>::new();
// define some items to be rendered
.pos((-0.5, 0.0, -5.0))
// run the engine update
start_loop(event_loop, move |events| {
|_: &Ui| {},
|g: &mut Game<DefaultTag>| -> UpdateStatus {
// update the first person inputs
handle_fp_inputs(&mut g.input, &mut g.cams[0]);
// quit
if g.input.keys_down.contains(&Key::Escape) {
return UpdateStatus::Finish;
pub extern crate impose as audio;
pub extern crate glium;
pub extern crate image;
pub extern crate imgui;
pub extern crate volition as input;
pub use renderer::lighting;
pub use renderer::posteffect;
pub use renderer::shader;
pub use renderer::texture;
- Simple collision detection
- Module represent another way of creating a game
- Module for procedurally generated meshes
- Module for saving and loading data
- A module for rendering items
- All of the caper types
- Utility functions and macros
- Macro for including and loading a texture
- Macro for dynamically loading a texture