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Canvas API Integration Library

This library provides a range of functionalities for interacting with the Canvas Learning Management System API. It supports operations such as course retrieval, student management, and handling of assignments and submissions. The library uses the reqwest library for making HTTP requests and implements concurrency control to limit the number of simultaneous requests.

Core Features

  • Authentication and Configuration: Load Canvas API credentials from configuration files or the system keyring.
  • Course Management: Retrieve information about courses available to an authenticated user.
  • Student Management: Fetch students enrolled in specific courses.
  • Assignments and Submissions Handling: Retrieve and update assignments and student submissions.


To use this library, add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml. Then, utilize the structures and functions provided to interact with the Canvas API as needed for your application.

canvas_lms_connector = "0.1"

After adding the dependency, you can start using the library’s features in your code.

The entry point is the function fetch_courses, which can be used to retrieve courses. The function takes a closure as an argument, which is used to specify the type of course retrieval. The closure should take a reference to CanvasInfo and return a CanvasResult. The CanvasResult enum encapsulates the possible outcomes of the operation, including successful retrieval of courses or various types of errors. The fetch_courses function handles credential management and error handling, while the closure specifies the specific course retrieval logic. This approach allows for flexibility in the way courses are retrieved, while ensuring that the authentication and error handling are handled in a consistent way.

The following example demonstrates the usage of fetch_courses to retrieve courses using credentials stored in the system keyring.


match Canvas::fetch_courses(|credential| Canvas::fetch_courses_with_credentials(credential)) {
    CanvasResult::Ok(courses) => println!("Courses fetched: {:?}", courses),
    CanvasResult::ErrConnection(err) => eprintln!("Connection error: {}", err),
    CanvasResult::ErrCredentials(err) => eprintln!("Credentials error: {}", err),


let course_id = 123;
match Canvas::fetch_courses(|credential| Canvas::fetch_single_course_with_credentials(credential, course_id)) {
   CanvasResult::Ok(courses) => println!("Courses fetched: {:?}", courses),
   CanvasResult::ErrConnection(err) => eprintln!("Connection error: {}", err),
   CanvasResult::ErrCredentials(err) => eprintln!("Credentials error: {}", err),




  • Represents an assignment within the Canvas Learning Management System.
  • Contains detailed information about an assignment in the Canvas system.
  • Represents the main interface for interacting with the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Represents a course within the Canvas Learning Management System.
  • Contains detailed information about a course in the Canvas system.
  • Represents a student within the Canvas Learning Management System.
  • Contains detailed information about a student in the Canvas system.
  • Represents a student’s submission for an assignment in the Canvas Learning Management System.
