Crate candid_parser

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§Candid Parser

Everything from candid crate is re-exported here. Users don’t have to add candid as their dependency in Cargo.toml.

Provides parser for Candid type and value.

  • str.parse::<IDLProg>() parses the Candid signature file to Candid AST.
  • parse_idl_args() parses the Candid value in text format to a struct IDLArg that can be used for serialization and deserialization between Candid and an enum type IDLValue in Rust.

§Parse candid::IDLArgs

We provide a parser to parse Candid values in text format.

use candid::{IDLArgs, TypeEnv};
use candid_parser::parse_idl_args;
// Candid values represented in text format
let text_value = r#"
     (42, opt true, vec {1;2;3},
      opt record {label="text"; 42="haha"})

// Parse text format into IDLArgs for serialization
let args: IDLArgs = parse_idl_args(text_value)?;
let encoded: Vec<u8> = args.to_bytes()?;

// Deserialize into IDLArgs
let decoded: IDLArgs = IDLArgs::from_bytes(&encoded)?;
assert_eq!(encoded, decoded.to_bytes()?);

// Convert IDLArgs to text format
let output: String = decoded.to_string();
let parsed_args: IDLArgs = parse_idl_args(&output)?;
let annotated_args = args.annotate_types(true, &TypeEnv::new(), &parsed_args.get_types())?;
assert_eq!(annotated_args, parsed_args);

Note that when parsing Candid values, we assume the number literals are always of type Int. This can be changed by providing the type of the method arguments, which can usually be obtained by parsing a Candid file in the following section.

§Operating on Candid AST

We provide a parser and type checker for Candid files specifying the service interface.

use candid::{TypeEnv, types::{Type, TypeInner}};
use candid_parser::{IDLProg, check_prog};
let did_file = r#"
    type List = opt record { head: int; tail: List };
    type byte = nat8;
    service : {
      f : (byte, int, nat, int8) -> (List);
      g : (List) -> (int) query;

// Parse did file into an AST
let ast: IDLProg = did_file.parse()?;

// Type checking a given .did file
// let (env, opt_actor) = check_file("a.did")?;
// Or alternatively, use check_prog to check in-memory did file
// Note that file import is ignored by check_prog.
let mut env = TypeEnv::new();
let actor: Type = check_prog(&mut env, &ast)?.unwrap();

let method = env.get_method(&actor, "g").unwrap();
assert_eq!(method.is_query(), true);
assert_eq!(method.args, vec![TypeInner::Var("List".to_string()).into()]);

§Serializing untyped Candid values with type annotations.

With type signatures from the Candid file, candid::IDLArgs uses to_bytes_with_types function to serialize arguments directed by the Candid types. This is useful when serializing different number types and recursive types. There is no need to use types for deserialization as the types are available in the Candid message.

use candid::{IDLArgs, types::value::IDLValue};
use candid_parser::parse_idl_args;
// Get method type f : (byte, int, nat, int8) -> (List)
let method = env.get_method(&actor, "f").unwrap();
let args = parse_idl_args("(42, 42, 42, 42)")?;
// Serialize arguments with candid types
let encoded = args.to_bytes_with_types(&env, &method.args)?;
let decoded = IDLArgs::from_bytes(&encoded)?;




  • Decode Candid message into a tuple of Rust values of the given types. Produces Err if the message fails to decode at any given types. If the message contains only one value, it returns the value directly instead of a tuple.
  • Encode sequence of Rust values into Candid message of type candid::Result<Vec<u8>>.
  • Define a function reference type.
  • Define a service reference type.
  • Construct a field type, which can be used in TypeInner::Record and TypeInner::Variant.
  • Construct a function type.
  • Construct a record type, e.g., record!{ label: Nat::ty(); 42: String::ty() }.
  • Construct a service type.
  • Construct a variant type, e.g., variant!{ tag: <()>::ty() }.





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