Crate calyx_opt

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The Calyx Intermediate Language

Calyx is an intermediate language for transforming high-level programs into synthesizable hardware designs. Calyx’s key novelty is a split representation that captures the control-flow and the structural detail of a hardware design. Take a look at the language tutorial for a complete overview for the Calyx intermediate langauge.

This library defines the intermediate representation, i.e., the data structures used by the compiler to analyze and transform programs. The following example shows how to parse a Calyx program and generate the core data structure, [ir::Context] which provides access to all the information in a program.

use std::io::Write;
use calyx_ir as ir;
use calyx_frontend as frontend;
use calyx_utils::CalyxResult;
fn main() -> CalyxResult<()> {
  // File to parse
  let file: std::path::PathBuf = "../tests/correctness/seq.futil".into();
  // Location of the calyx repository
  let lib_path: std::path::PathBuf = "../".into();
  // Parse the calyx program
  let ws = frontend::Workspace::construct(&Some(file), &lib_path)?;
  // Convert it into an ir::Context
  let mut ctx = ir::from_ast::ast_to_ir(ws)?;
  // Print out the components in the program
  let out = &mut std::io::stdout();
  for comp in &ctx.components {
      ir::Printer::write_component(comp, out)?;

  1. Calyx’s guarded assignments are different from Bluespec’s rules. Rules can be dynamically aborted if there are conflicts at runtime and the Bluespec compiler generates scheduling logic to detect such cases. In contract, Calyx’s schedule is defined using the control program and requires no additional scheduling logic to detect aborts. 

