| The locally connected operator consumes
| an input vector, a N-D filter blob and
| a bias blob and computes the output.
| ———–
| @note
| other parameters, such as the stride
| and kernel size, or the pads’ sizes in
| each direction are not necessary for
| input because they are provided by the
| ConvPoolOpBase operator. Various
| dimension checks are done implicitly,
| and the sizes are specified in the Input
| docs for this operator. As is expected,
| the filter is locally connected with
| a subset of the image and the bias is added;
| this is done throughout the image data
| and the output is computed. As a side
| note on the implementation layout:
| locally_connected_op_impl.h is the
| templated implementation of the locally_connected_op.h
| file, which is why they are separate
| files.