| @brief Holds a map of atomic counters keyed by
| name.
| The StatRegistry singleton, accessed through
| StatRegistry::get(), holds counters registered
| through the macro CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT. Example
| of usage:
| struct MyCaffeClass {
| MyCaffeClass(const std::string& instanceName): stats_(instanceName) {}
| void run(int numRuns) {
| try {
| CAFFE_EVENT(stats_, num_runs, numRuns);
| tryRun(numRuns);
| CAFFE_EVENT(stats_, num_successes);
| } catch (std::exception& e) {
| CAFFE_EVENT(stats_, num_failures, 1, “arg_to_usdt”, e.what());
| }
| CAFFE_EVENT(stats_, usdt_only, 1, “arg_to_usdt”);
| }
| private:
| struct MyStats {
| CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT(num_successes);
| CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT(num_failures);
| CAFFE_STAT(usdt_only);
| } stats_;
| };
| int main() {
| MyCaffeClass a(“first”);
| MyCaffeClass b(“second”);
| for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
| a.run(10);
| b.run(5);
| }
| ExportedStatList finalStats;
| StatRegistry::get().publish(finalStats);
| }
| For every new instance of MyCaffeClass, a new
| counter is created with the instance name as
| prefix. Everytime run() is called, the
| corresponding counter will be incremented by
| the given value, or 1 if value not provided.
| Counter values can then be exported into an
| ExportedStatList. In the example above,
| considering “tryRun” never throws, finalStats
| will be populated as follows:
| first/num_runs 100
| first/num_successes 10
| first/num_failures 0
| second/num_runs 50
| second/num_successes 10
| second/num_failures 0
| The event usdt_only is not present in
| ExportedStatList because it is declared as
| CAFFE_STAT, which does not create a counter.
| Additionally, for each call to CAFFE_EVENT,
| a USDT probe is generated.
| The probe will be set up with the following arguments:
| - Probe name: field name (e.g. “num_runs”)
| - Arg #0: instance name (e.g. “first”, “second”)
| - Arg #1: For CAFFE_EXPORTED_STAT, value of the updated counter
| For CAFFE_STAT, -1 since no counter is available
| - Args …: Arguments passed to CAFFE_EVENT, including update value
| when provided.
| It is also possible to create additional
| StatRegistry instances beyond the
| singleton. These instances are not
| automatically populated with
| CAFFE_EVENT. Instead, they can be populated
| from an ExportedStatList structure by calling
| StatRegistry::update().