| Note(jiayq): I am not sure whether the module
| handles are going to be used as C2 uses
| modules via registration, but let’s keep the
| handles at least.
| @brief
| Current Modules present in the Caffe2
| runtime.
| Returns:
| map: a map of modules and (optionally)
| their description. The key is the module
| name, and the value is the description
| for that module.
| The module name is recommended to be
| the part that constitutes the trunk
| of the dynamic library: for example,
| a module called libcaffe2_db_rocksdb.so
| should have the name “caffe2_db_rocksdb”.
| The reason we do not use “lib” is because
| it’s somewhat redundant, and the reason
| we do not include “.so” is for cross-platform
| compatibility on platforms like mac
| os.
| @brief
| Checks whether a module is already present
| in the current binary.
| @brief
| Load a module.
| Inputs:
| name: a module name or a path name.
| It is recommended that you use the name
| of the module, and leave the full path
| option to only experimental modules.
| filename: (optional) a filename that
| serves as a hint to load the module.