Expand description

Wraps NSButton on appkit, and UIButton on iOS and tvOS.

You’d use this type to create a button that a user can interact with. Buttons can be configured a number of ways, and support setting a callback to fire when they’re clicked or tapped.

Some properties are platform-specific; see the documentation for further information.

use cacao::button::Button;
use cacao::view::View;
use crate::cacao::layout::Layout;
let mut button = Button::new("My button title");

button.set_action(|| {
    println!("My button was clicked.");
let my_view : View<()> = todo!();

// Make sure you don't let your Button drop for as long as you need it.


Wraps NSButton on appkit, and UIButton on iOS and tvOS.


Represents a bezel style for a button. This is a macOS-specific control, and has no effect under iOS or tvOS.