pub trait ScrollViewDelegate {
    fn did_load(&mut self, _view: ScrollView) { ... }
    fn will_appear(&self, _animated: bool) { ... }
    fn did_appear(&self, _animated: bool) { ... }
    fn will_disappear(&self, _animated: bool) { ... }
    fn did_disappear(&self, _animated: bool) { ... }
    fn dragging_entered(&self, _info: DragInfo) -> DragOperation { ... }
    fn prepare_for_drag_operation(&self, _info: DragInfo) -> bool { ... }
    fn perform_drag_operation(&self, _info: DragInfo) -> bool { ... }
    fn conclude_drag_operation(&self, _info: DragInfo) { ... }
    fn dragging_exited(&self, _info: DragInfo) { ... }
Expand description

A ScrollViewDelegate implements methods that you might need or want to respond to. In addition to scroll-specific events, it enables implementing certain standard View handlers for things like drag and drop.

Provided Methods

Called when the View is ready to work with. You’re passed a View - this is safe to store and use repeatedly, but it’s not thread safe - any UI calls must be made from the main thread!

Called when this is about to be added to the view heirarchy.

Called after this has been added to the view heirarchy.

Called when this is about to be removed from the view heirarchy.

Called when this has been removed from the view heirarchy.

Invoked when the dragged image enters destination bounds or frame; returns dragging operation to perform.

Invoked when the image is released, allowing the receiver to agree to or refuse drag operation.

Invoked after the released image has been removed from the screen, signaling the receiver to import the pasteboard data.

Invoked when the dragging operation is complete, signaling the receiver to perform any necessary clean-up.

Invoked when the dragged image exits the destination’s bounds rectangle (in the case of a view) or its frame rectangle (in the case of a window object).
