pub trait WindowDelegate {
    const NAME: &'static str;
Show 32 methods fn subclass_name(&self) -> &'static str { ... } fn did_load(&mut self, _window: Window) { ... } fn should_close(&self) -> bool { ... } fn will_close(&self) { ... } fn will_move(&self) { ... } fn did_move(&self) { ... } fn will_resize(&self, width: f64, height: f64) -> (f64, f64) { ... } fn did_resize(&self) { ... } fn will_start_live_resize(&self) { ... } fn did_end_live_resize(&self) { ... } fn did_change_screen(&self) { ... } fn did_change_screen_profile(&self) { ... } fn did_change_backing_properties(&self) { ... } fn did_become_key(&self) { ... } fn did_resign_key(&self) { ... } fn did_become_main(&self) { ... } fn did_resign_main(&self) { ... } fn will_miniaturize(&self) { ... } fn did_miniaturize(&self) { ... } fn did_deminiaturize(&self) { ... } fn content_size_for_full_screen(
        proposed_width: f64,
        proposed_height: f64
    ) -> (f64, f64) { ... } fn presentation_options_for_full_screen(
    ) -> Option<&[PresentationOption]> { ... } fn will_enter_full_screen(&self) { ... } fn did_enter_full_screen(&self) { ... } fn will_exit_full_screen(&self) { ... } fn did_exit_full_screen(&self) { ... } fn did_fail_to_enter_full_screen(&self) { ... } fn did_fail_to_exit_full_screen(&self) { ... } fn did_change_occlusion_state(&self) { ... } fn did_expose(&self) { ... } fn did_update(&self) { ... } fn cancel(&self) { ... }
Available on crate feature appkit only.
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Lifecycle events for anything that impl Window’s. These map to the standard Cocoa lifecycle methods, but mix in a few extra things to handle offering configuration tools in lieu of subclasses.

Required Associated Constants

Used to cache subclass creations on the Objective-C side. You can just set this to be the name of your view type. This value must be unique per-type.

Provided Methods

You should rarely (read: probably never) need to implement this yourself. It simply acts as a getter for the associated NAME const on this trait.

Fires when this window has loaded in memory, and is about to display. This is a good point to set up your views and what not.

If you’re coming from the web, you can think of this as DOMContentLoaded.

Called when the user has attempted to close the window. NOT called when a user quits the application. Return false here if you need to handle the edge case.

Fires when a window is going to close. You might opt to, say, clean up things here - perhaps you have a long running task, or something that should be removed.

Fired when the window is about to move.

Fired after the window has moved.

Fired before the window resizes, passing you the width and height. To avoid resizing, return the current size. To resize to a different size, return the desired size.

The default implementation of this method returns None, indicating the system should just do its thing. If you implement it, you probably want that.

Fired after the window has resized.

Fired when the window is going to live resize.

Fired when the window has ended live resizing.

Fired when the window changes screens - you might find this useful for certain scenarios, such as rendering in retina vs non-retina environments.

Fired when the window profile changes screens - you might find this useful for certain scenarios, such as rendering in retina vs non-retina environments.

Fired when the window backing properties change - you might find this useful for certain scenarios, such as rendering in retina vs non-retina environments. It’s rare to need this though.

Fires when this window is about to become the key window.

Fires when this window is about to resign key window status.

Fires when this window is about to become the main window.

Fires when this window is about to resign main status.

Fires when the window is about to miniaturize (e.g, to the Dock).

Fires when this window miniaturized (e.g, to the Dock).

Fires when this window de-miniaturized (e.g, from the Dock).

Fires when the system is moving a window to full screen and wants to know what content size to use. By default, this just returns the system-provided content size, but you can override it if need be.

Specify options for when this window goes full screen. By default, this returns None, which tells the system to proceed as it normally would without customization.

Fires when this window is about to go full screen.

Fires when this window entered full screen.

Fires when this window is about to exit full screen.

Fires when this window exited full screen.

Fires when this window failed to enter full screen.

Fires when this window failed to exit full screen.

Fired when the occlusion state for this window has changed. Similar in nature to the app-level event, just for a Window.

Fired when the Window receives a didExpose message from higher up in the chain.

Fired when the Window receives an update message from higher up in the chain.

If you want your window to close when the ESC key is hit, implement this. This is mostly useful for windows that present as modal sheets.
