Crate cacache_sync

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cacache is a Rust library for managing local key and content address caches. It’s really fast, really good at concurrency, and it will never give you corrupted data, even if cache files get corrupted or manipulated.

API Layout

The cacache API is organized roughly similar to std::fs; most of the toplevel functionality is available as free functions directly in the cacache module, with some additional functionality available through returned objects, as well as WriteOpts, which is analogous to OpenOpts, but is only able to write.


You may notice various suffixes associated with otherwise familiar functions:

  • _hash - Since cacache is a content-addressable cache, the _hash suffix means you’re interacting directly with content data, skipping the index and its metadata. These functions use an Integrity to look up data, instead of a string key.


fn main() -> cacache_sync::Result<()> {
  // Data goes in...
  cacache_sync::write("./my-cache", "key", b"hello")?;

  // comes out!
  let data = cacache_sync::read("./my-cache", "key")?;
  assert_eq!(data, b"hello");


Lookup by hash

What makes cacache content addressable, though, is its ability to fetch data by its “content address”, which in our case is a “subresource integrity” hash, which cacache_sync::put conveniently returns for us. Fetching data by hash is significantly faster than doing key lookups:

fn main() -> cacache_sync::Result<()> {
  // Data goes in...
  let sri = cacache_sync::write("./my-cache", "key", b"hello")?;

  // gets looked up by `sri` ("Subresource Integrity").
  let data = cacache_sync::read_hash("./my-cache", &sri)?;
  assert_eq!(data, b"hello");


Large file support

cacache-sync supports large file reads, through an API reminiscent of std::fs::OpenOptions:

use std::io::{Read, Write};

fn main() -> cacache_sync::Result<()> {
  let mut fd = cacache_sync::Writer::create("./my-cache", "key")?;
  for _ in 0..10 {
    fd.write_all(b"very large data").expect("Failed to write to cache");
  // Data is only committed to the cache after you do `fd.commit()`!
  let sri = fd.commit()?;
  println!("integrity: {}", &sri);

  let mut fd = cacache_sync::Reader::open("./my-cache", "key")?;
  let mut buf = String::new();
  fd.read_to_string(&mut buf).expect("Failed to read to string");

  // Make sure to call `.check()` when you're done! It makes sure that what
  // you just read is actually valid. `cacache` always verifies the data
  // you get out is what it's supposed to be. The check is very cheap!



Represents a cache index entry, which points to content.
File handle for reading data synchronously.
Builder for options and flags for opening a new cache file to write data into.
A reference to an open file writing to the cache.


Valid algorithms for integrity strings.
Error type returned by all API calls.
Represents any valid JSON value.


Removes entire contents of the cache synchronously, including temporary files, the entry index, and all content data.
Copies a cache entry by key to a specified location. Returns the number of bytes copied.
Copies a cache entry by integrity address to a specified location. Returns the number of bytes copied.
Returns true if the given hash exists in the cache.
Returns a synchronous iterator that lists all cache index entries.
Gets metadata for a certain key.
Reads the entire contents of a cache file synchronously into a bytes vector, looking the data up by key.
Reads the entire contents of a cache file synchronously into a bytes vector, looking the data up by its content address.
Removes an individual index entry synchronously. The associated content will be left in the cache.
Removes an individual content entry synchronously. Any index entries pointing to this content will become invalidated.
Writes data to the cache synchronously, indexing it under key.
Writes data to the cache synchronously, skipping associating a key with it.

Type Definitions

The result type returned by calls to this library