[][src]Function c3p0_pg::r2d2::postgres::cancel_query

pub fn cancel_query<T>(
    params: T,
    tls: TlsMode,
    data: &CancelData
) -> Result<(), Error> where
    T: IntoConnectParams

Attempts to cancel an in-progress query.

The backend provides no information about whether a cancellation attempt was successful or not. An error will only be returned if the driver was unable to connect to the database.

A CancelData object can be created via Connection::cancel_data. The object can cancel any query made on that connection.

Only the host and port of the connection info are used. See Connection::connect for details of the params argument.


let conn = Connection::connect(url, TlsMode::None).unwrap();
let cancel_data = conn.cancel_data();
thread::spawn(move || {
    conn.execute("SOME EXPENSIVE QUERY", &[]).unwrap();
postgres::cancel_query(url, TlsMode::None, &cancel_data).unwrap();