pub unsafe extern "C" fn ares_dns_record_rr_add(
    rr_out: *mut *mut ares_dns_rr_t,
    dnsrec: *mut ares_dns_record_t,
    sect: ares_dns_section_t,
    name: *const c_char,
    type_: ares_dns_rec_type_t,
    rclass: ares_dns_class_t,
    ttl: c_uint
) -> ares_status_t
Expand description

Add a Resource Record to the DNS Record.

\param[out] rr_out Pointer to created resource record. This pointer is owned by the DNS record itself, this is just made available to facilitate adding RR-specific fields. \param[in] dnsrec Initialized record object \param[in] sect Section to add resource record to \param[in] name Resource Record name/hostname \param[in] type Record Type \param[in] rclass Class \param[in] ttl TTL \return ARES_SUCCESS on success