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Methods for establishing connections between Buttplug Clients and Servers

Buttplug is made to work in many different circumstances. The crate::client::ButtplugClient and crate::server::ButtplugServer may be in the same process, in different process communicating over some sort of IPC, or on different machines using a network connection. Connectors are what make these setups possible.

How Buttplug Clients and Servers Use Connectors

A Buttplug Client uses a connector to communicate with a server, be it in the same process or on another machine. The client’s connector handles establishing the connection to the server, as well as sending (possibly serialized) messages to the server and matching replies from the server to waiting futures.

Buttplug servers use connectors to receive info from clients. They usually have less to do than client connectors, because they don’t have to keep track of messages waiting for replies (since Buttplug messages that require responses are only client -> server, the server will never send anything to a client that expects a response.)

In-Process and Remote Connectors

There are two types of connectors: In-Process and Remote. All connectors have the same API (since they all follow the crate::connector::ButtplugConnector trait), but will varying in latency, message passing techniques, etc…

There is only 1 in-process connector, the ButtplugInProcessClientConnector. This is used when the client and server live in the same process, which is useful for multiple reasons (see ButtplugInProcessClientConnector documentation for more info). As in-process connectors can just send message objects back and forth, there is no need for message serialization.

Remote connectors refer to any connector that connects to something outside of the current process, be it still on the same machine (IPC) or somewhere else (network).

Remote Transports

Remote Transports

Buttplug Client/Server Does Not Necessarily Mean Transport Client/Server

Here’s an odd but valid situation: You can have a Buttplug Client that uses a Websocket Server connector!

There are times where this is actually useful. For instance, let’s say a user of Buttplug wants to use a Windows 7 desktop machine to control a Bluetooth LE toy. This normally wouldn’t work because Windows 7 doesn’t have a Bluetooth LE API we can easily access. However, they also have an android phone. They could run a Buttplug Server in Chrome on their Android phone, have the Client on the desktop run a websocket server, then have (and stick with me here) the Buttplug Server in the Android Chrome instance use a Websocket Client to connect to the Websocket Server on the desktop. This allows the desktop machine to proxy Bluetooth to the WebBluetooth API built into Android Chrome.

Is this ridiculous? Absolutely.

Will people do it? Remember, this is a library about sex, so the answer is also Absolutely.

There are slightly more useful situations like device forwarders where this work comes in also, but that Windows 7/Android example is where the idea originally came from.


pub use remote_connector::ButtplugRemoteClientConnector;
pub use remote_connector::ButtplugRemoteConnector;
pub use remote_connector::ButtplugRemoteServerConnector;


Handling of websockets using async-tungstenite


In-process Buttplug Server Connector

Websocket connector for ButtplugClients, using async_tungstenite

Websocket connector for ButtplugClients, using async_tungstenite

Websocket connector for ButtplugClients, using async_tungstenite

Websocket connector for ButtplugClients, using async_tungstenite


Errors specific to client connector structs.


Trait for client connectors.

Type Definitions