Crate busybody

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Busybody is a service container and dependency injector. It is thread safe and async first. By default instances of types that are registered are wrapped in a Service type. Service wraps it’s inner type in a ARC.

§Container setup example

use busybody::*;

struct Config {
 hostname: String

fn main() {
 let container = ServiceContainerBuilder::new()
 .service(Config{ hostname: "http://localhost".into() }) // Will be wrapped in Service<T> ie: Arc<T>
 .register(600i32) // left as it is, i32

 let config = container.get::<Config>().unwrap(); // When "some" will return Service<Config>
 let max_connection = container.get_type::<i32>().unwrap(); // When "some" will return i32

 println!("config: {:#?}", &config);
 println!("hostname: {:#?}", &config.hostname);
 println!("max connection: {}", max_connection);

§Dependency injection example

use busybody::*;
use async_trait::async_trait;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Config {
  hostname: String

impl busybody::Injectable for Config { // implementing "injector" makes your type injectable

   async fn inject(_: &ServiceContainer) -> Self {
      Self {
          hostname: "localhost".to_string()

async fn main() {
 let config = helpers::provide::<Config>().await;

  println!("config: {:#?}", &config);
  println!("hostname: {:#?}", &config.hostname);

§Dependency injection: call a function/closure passing it all the require arguments

use busybody::{helpers, RawType, Service, ServiceContainerBuilder};

async fn main() {
   // 1. Setup the container
   _ = ServiceContainerBuilder::new()
       .register(200) // Register an i32 value that is not wrapped in Service<T>
       .service(400) // Register an i32 value that is wrapped in Service<T>

   // 2. `inject_and_call` calls the provided function/closure, injecting all of it's required parameters
    //     inject_and_call takes a function/closure that expects 0 to 17 arguments
    //     The function **must** be async
    let double_result = helpers::inject_and_call(double).await;
    println!("200 double is: {}", double_result);

    // 3. Same as above but we are making use of "RawType<T>"
    //    RawType<T> tries to find an instance of the specified type. If none exist,
    //    it uses the `default` associate method to create a default instance of the Type.
    //    This means, the "T" in RawType must implement the `Default` trait.
    let sum = helpers::inject_and_call(|raw_i32: RawType<i32>, service_i32: Service<i32>| async {
       raw_i32.into_inner() + *service_i32.into_inner()
    println!("Service<200> + RawType<400> = {}", sum);

// 4. Function is taken an I32.
async fn double(count: i32) -> i32 {
    count * 2

§Dependency injection: singleton example

use busybody::*;

struct Config {
  hostname: String

impl busybody::Injectable for Config {

    async fn inject(_: &ServiceContainer) -> Self {
       Self {
           hostname: "localhost".into()

async fn main() {
  let config = helpers::singleton::<Config>().await;

  println!("config: {:#?}", &config);
  println!("hostname: {:#?}", &config.hostname);




Attribute Macros§