var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["bus"] = {"doc":"Bus provides a lock-free, bounded, single-producer, multi-consumer, broadcast channel.","items":[[3,"Bus","bus","Bus is the main interconnect for broadcast messages.\nIt can be used to send broadcast messages, or to connect additional consumers.\nWhen the Bus is dropped, receivers will continue receiving any outstanding broadcast messages\nthey would have received if the bus were not dropped. After all those messages have been\nreceived, any subsequent receive call on a receiver will return a disconnected error.",null,null],[3,"BusReader","","A BusReader is a single consumer of Bus broadcasts.\nIt will see every new value that is passed to `.broadcast()` (or successful calls to\n`.try_broadcast()`) on the Bus that it was created from.",null,null],[3,"BusIter","","An iterator over messages on a receiver.\nThis iterator will block whenever `next` is called, waiting for a new message, and `None` will\nbe returned when the corresponding channel has been closed.",null,null],[3,"BusIntoIter","","An owning iterator over messages on a receiver.\nThis iterator will block whenever `next` is called, waiting for a new message, and `None` will\nbe returned when the corresponding bus has been closed.",null,null],[11,"new","","Allocates a new bus.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"bus"}}],[11,"try_broadcast","","Attempt to broadcast the given value to all consumers, but do not wait if bus is full.",0,null],[11,"broadcast","","Broadcasts a value on the bus to all consumers.",0,null],[11,"add_rx","","Add a new consumer to this bus.",0,null],[11,"drop","","",0,null],[11,"try_recv","","Attempts to return a pending broadcast on this receiver without blocking.",1,null],[11,"recv","","Read another broadcast message from the bus, and block if none are available.",1,null],[11,"iter","","Returns an iterator that will block waiting for broadcasts.\nIt will return None when the bus has been closed (i.e., the `Bus` has been dropped).",1,null],[11,"drop","","",1,null],[11,"into_iter","","",1,null],[11,"next","","",2,null],[11,"next","","",3,null]],"paths":[[3,"Bus"],[3,"BusReader"],[3,"BusIter"],[3,"BusIntoIter"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);