Crate burst_pool [] [src]

This crate provides an SPMC channel for cases where values must be processed now or never, and workers are woken up all-at-once.

The intended use-case for this library is pretty specific:

  • Most of the time things are quiet, but occasionally you have a lot of work to do.
  • This work must be dispatched to worker threads for processing.
  • Latency is important, but you have too many worker threads realistically spin-wait them all.
  • When you receive work to do, you typically have more work than worker threads (ie. workers are woken all at once).

If the above does not apply to you, then the trade-offs made by this library probably aren't good ones.

Each successfully sent value is recieved by exactly one receiver. This crate is Linux-only.


The metric we care about is the latency between calling Sender::send() on the work-distributing thread, and Receiver::recv() returning on the threads which will process the work. We want it to be small and consistent. The design of burst-pool means that we expect this latency to be independent of the number of payloads sent. We also expect it to become much worse as soon as there are more worker threads than cores available.

I'm benchmarking burst-pool's performance against spmc, a crate which provides an SPMC channel with the normal queueing semantics when the pool is overloaded. The use-cases of spmc and burst-pool are quite different, but when the pool is not overloaded their semantics are the same.

Run cargo bench to make some measurements on your own machine. If your results are significantly worse than those below, your kernel might be powering down CPU cores too eagerly. If you care about latency more than battery life, consider setting max_cstate = 0.

2 payloads sent to 3 workers 1% 10% 50% 90% 99% mean stddev
burst_chan 3897 5144 8181 22370 31162 12146 31760
spmc 4260 5454 7279 14389 30019 9169 8484
3 payloads sent to 3 workers 1% 10% 50% 90% 99% mean stddev
burst_chan 4162 5116 8165 22000 35767 11565 14096
spmc 3911 5454 8895 23216 61595 12102 10197
5 payloads sent to 3 workers 1% 10% 50% 90% 99% mean stddev
burst_chan 3773 4786 8724 22877 34214 12091 10276
spmc 4241 5931 12542 1064532 1086586 432018 516410
6 payloads sent to 6 workers 1% 10% 50% 90% 99% mean stddev
burst_chan 5875 7344 12265 30397 47118 15984 10130
spmc 4170 7050 14561 34644 59763 18003 12511

In the 6/6 benchmark, the number of workers is greater than the number of cores on the benchmark machine.


// Create a handle for sending strings
let mut sender: Sender<String> = Sender::new();

// Create a handle for receiving strings, and pass it off to a worker thread.
// Repeat this step as necessary.
let mut receiver: Receiver<String> = sender.mk_receiver();
let th = std::thread::spawn(move ||
    loop {
        let x = receiver.recv().unwrap();
        println!("{}", x);

// Give the worker thread some time to spawn

// Send a string to the worker and unblock it

// Wait for it to process the first string and send another

// Drop the send handle, signalling the worker to shutdown
th.join().unwrap_err();  // RecvError::Orphaned


Each receiver has a "slot" which is either empty, blocked, or contains a pointer to some work. Whenever a receiver's slot is empty, it goes to sleep by polling an eventfd. When issuing work, the sender goes through the slots round-robin, placing work in the empty ones. It then signals the eventfd, waking up all sleeping receivers. If a receiver wakes up and finds work in its slot, it takes the work and blocks its slot. If a receivers wakes up and finds its slot is still empty, it goes back to sleep. When a receiver has finished processing the work, it unblocks its slot.



