Crate burntnail_utils

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Crate to hold lots of utilities for the author. I often end up using these in most projects.

Error Extension

Includes a bunch of stuff for handling errors. For example anyhow::Result::Err(5).warn(); will print “Warning: 5” to stderr, or via tracing means.

Also includes utilities for hard to handle error types, and unwrapping them with tracing logs, or converting them to anyhow/color-eyre results.


An enumeration for representing an object with can be either A or B, with utility methods to convert to one or the other.


A circular queue structure backed by a Vec (it used to be a std::mem::MaybeUninit array but a Vec added 10x speedups lol), which can optionally hold a DoOnInterval in order to only add things on an interval.


I’ve found that I love Rust Type States, for which it is very repetitive and easiest to use a macro like the one provided. See the module-level docs for more examples

Time Based Structs

Do On Interval

This struct is useful if we want to do anything on an interval, like sending a network request or logging an average.

Scoped Timer

I love this for logging! It starts a timer when you make the object, and on std::ops::Drop it logs out the time since the timer started, making for very conventient logging.


Some nice 2D Coordinates, with support for maximum positions, and generic types using the num_traits.

Piston Cache

NB: Only enabled if you have the relevant feature enabled.

A nice struct for managing Piston2D image textures, if you want to cache them over reading them in to individual bindings.

2D Array

A struct for a grid array, which can be indexed using Coordinates or a usize pair.


Contains a type for containing a 2D coordinates, with usize bounds
An Either type for representing something that can be A or B. Similar ergonomics to a std::result::Result, and if need be you can convert easily to one.
Module to hold all error extensions
Library module for anyhow vs color-eyre
I’ve found that I love Rust Type States, for which it is very repetitive and easiest to use a macro like the one provided
This is a circular queue of fixed size, backed by a Vector, optionally using a crate::time_based_structs::do_on_interval::DoOnInterval to determine on what interval to add items.
Module for structs which deal with time
A module to hold a 2D grid array


Provides any number of unit structs that implement a unit type