initSidebarItems({"fn":[["read_buffer_ref","A utility function for unsafely implementing `ReadBufferRef` for readers that don't read the buffer passed to `Read::read`."],["with_buffer","Convenience function that converts a `T: Buffer` into a `BufferRef`."]],"struct":[["ArrayVecBuffer","The intermediate step from a `ArrayVec` to a `BufferRef`."],["BufferRef","A reference to an uninitialized or partially initialized byte buffer."],["BufferRefBuffer","The intermediate step from a `BufferRef` to another `BufferRef`."],["CapacityError","An error occuring when too many bytes are being pushed into a buffer."],["SliceBuffer","The intermediate step from a byte slice to a `BufferRef`."],["SliceRefBuffer","The intermediate step from a byte slice reference to a `BufferRef`."],["VecBuffer","The intermediate step from a `Vec` to a `BufferRef`."]],"trait":[["Buffer","Trait for types that can act as buffer for bytes."],["ReadBuffer","Trait to read to `T: Buffer`."],["ReadBufferRef","An internal trait to be implemented by `T: Read` which do not access the read buffer in `Read::read`."],["ToBufferRef","Internal trait for the intermediate result of converting a `T: Buffer` into a `BufferRef`."]]});