Crate btf_rs

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Library for the BPF Type Format (BTF). The BPF Type Format is a metadata format encoding debugging information such as types, function prototypes, structure layouts, etc. and is often used, but not limited, to deal with eBPF programs.

The integration tests give good examples on how to use this library. We recommend reading the official BTF documentation as this library is offering a low-level API.

§Parsing BTF

The main object this library offers is Btf, which represents a parsed BTF object. It offers helpers to resolve ids (u32), names (String) and types / chained types (Type).

Btf can be constructed using a BTF file or a split BTF one. BTF files hold self-contained information, while split BTF files are built upon a base BTF file and extend it. For example, in a standard Linux environment BTF files and split files can be found under /sys/kernel/btf, /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux being the BTF file for the kernel and other files matching /sys/kernel/btf/<module-name> being BTF split files for its modules.

use btf_rs::Btf;

let base = Btf::from_file("/sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux").unwrap();

let ovs = Btf::from_split_file("/sys/kernel/btf/openvswitch", &base).unwrap();
let bbr = Btf::from_split_file("/sys/kernel/btf/tcp_bbr", &base).unwrap();

Btf-rs also supports constructing Btf using byte slices.

use std::fs;
use btf_rs::Btf;

let base = Btf::from_bytes(&fs::read("/sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux").unwrap()).unwrap();

let ovs = Btf::from_split_bytes(&fs::read("/sys/kernel/btf/openvswitch").unwrap(), &base)
let bbr = Btf::from_split_bytes(&fs::read("/sys/kernel/btf/bbr").unwrap(), &base).unwrap();

§Resolving types

Types can be resolved using a Btf object. The following is an example of how a function can be inspected to retrieve information about its first parameter. Here the function kfree_skb_reason is taking a struct sk_buff * as its first argument.

use btf_rs::*;

let btf = Btf::from_file("/sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux").unwrap();

let func = match btf.resolve_types_by_name("kfree_skb_reason").unwrap().pop().unwrap() {
    Type::Func(func) => func,
    _ => panic!("Resolved type is not a function"),

let proto = match btf.resolve_chained_type(&func).unwrap() {
    Type::FuncProto(proto) => proto,
    _ => panic!("Resolved type is not a function proto"),

assert!(proto.parameters.len() > 1);

// The following prints "skb".
println!("{}", btf.resolve_name(&proto.parameters[0]).unwrap());

let ptr = match btf.resolve_chained_type(&proto.parameters[0]).unwrap() {
    Type::Ptr(ptr) => ptr,
    _ => panic!("Resolved type is not a pointer"),

let r#struct = match btf.resolve_chained_type(&ptr).unwrap() {
    Type::Struct(r#struct) => r#struct,
    _ => panic!("Resolved type is not a struct"),

// The following prints "sk_buff".
println!("{}", btf.resolve_name(&r#struct).unwrap());

Other information such as function scope and return value, structure size and members, etc. can be retrieved. For all those see the Type and its associated structures documentation.

Feature flags:

  • test_runtime: Use the system’s runtime BTF files to perform extra integration tests.



  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_ARRAY.
  • Main representation of a parsed BTF object. Provides helpers to resolve types and their associated names.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_DATASEC.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_DECL_TAG.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_ENUM.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_ENUM64.
  • Represents an Enum64 member.
  • Represents an Enum member.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_FLOAT.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_FUNC.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_FUNC_PROTO.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_FWD.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_INT.
  • Represents a Struct member.
  • Represents a FuncProto parameter.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_PTR.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_STRUCT.
  • Iterator type returned by Btf::type_iter().
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_TYPEDEF.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_VAR.
  • Represents a Datasec variable.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_VOLATILE.


  • Rust representation of BTF types. Each type then contains its own specific data and provides helpers to access it.


Type Aliases§

  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_CONST.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_RESTRICT.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_TYPE_TAG.
  • Rust representation for BTF type BTF_KIND_UNION.