var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["bspline"] = {"doc":"[![logo](](","items":[[3,"BSpline","bspline","Represents a B-spline curve that will use polynomials of the specified degree\nto interpolate between the control points given the knots.",null,null],[8,"Interpolate","","The interpolate trait is used to linearly interpolate between two types (or in the\ncase of Quaternions, spherically linearly interpolate). The B-spline curve uses this\ntrait to compute points on the curve for the given parameter value.",null,null],[10,"interpolate","","Linearly interpolate between `self` and `other` using `t`, for example with floats:",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"clone","","",1,null],[11,"new","","Create a new B-spline curve of the desired `degree` that will interpolate\nthe `control_points` using the `knots`. The knots should be sorted in non-decreasing\norder otherwise they will be sorted for you, which may lead to undesired knots\nfor control points. Note that here we use the interpolating polynomial degree,\nif you're familiar with the convention of "B-spline curve order" the degree is `curve_order - 1`.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"},{"name":"vec"},{"name":"vec"}],"output":{"name":"bspline"}}],[11,"point","","Compute a point on the curve at `t`, the parameter **must** be in the inclusive range\nof values returned by `knot_domain`. If `t` is out of bounds this function will assert\non debug builds and on release builds you'll likely get an out of bounds crash.",1,null],[11,"control_points","","Get an iterator over the control points.",1,null],[11,"knots","","Get an iterator over the knots.",1,null],[11,"knot_domain","","Get the min and max knot domain values for finding the `t` range to compute\nthe curve over. The curve is only defined over the inclusive range `[min, max]`,\npassing a `t` value outside of this range will result in an assert on debug builds\nand likely a crash on release builds.",1,null]],"paths":[[8,"Interpolate"],[3,"BSpline"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);