Module bson::extjson

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Deserialization and serialization of MongoDB Extended JSON v2

Overview of Extended JSON

MongoDB Extended JSON (abbreviated extJSON) is format of JSON that allows for the encoding of BSON type information. Normal JSON cannot unambiguously represent all BSON types losslessly, so an extension was designed to include conventions for representing those types.

For example, a BSON binary is represented by the following format:

   "$binary": {
       "base64": <base64 encoded payload as a string>,
       "subType": <subtype as a one or two character hex string>,

For more information on extJSON and the complete list of translations, see the official MongoDB documentation.

All MongoDB drivers and BSON libraries interpret and produce extJSON, so it can serve as a useful tool for communicating between applications where raw BSON bytes cannot be used (e.g. via JSON REST APIs). It’s also useful for representing BSON data as a string.

Canonical and Relaxed Modes

There are two modes of extJSON: “Canonical” and “Relaxed”. They are the same except for the following differences:

  • In relaxed mode, all BSON numbers are represented by the JSON number type, rather than the object notation.
  • In relaxed mode, the string in the datetime object notation is RFC 3339 (ISO-8601) formatted (if the date is after 1970).


let doc = bson!({ "x": 5, "d": bson::DateTime::now() });

println!("relaxed: {}", doc.clone().into_relaxed_extjson());
// relaxed: "{"x":5,"d":{"$date":"2020-06-01T22:19:13.075Z"}}"

println!("canonical: {}", doc.into_canonical_extjson());
// canonical: {"x":{"$numberInt":"5"},"d":{"$date":{"$numberLong":"1591050020711"}}}

Canonical mode is useful when BSON values need to be round tripped without losing any type information. Relaxed mode is more useful when debugging or logging BSON data.

Deserializing Extended JSON

Extended JSON can be deserialized using Bson’s TryFrom<serde_json::Value> implementation. This implementation accepts both canonical and relaxed extJSON, and the two modes can even be mixed within a single representation.


let json_doc = json!({ "x": 5i32, "y": { "$numberInt": "5" }, "z": { "subdoc": "hello" } });
let bson: Bson = json_doc.try_into().unwrap(); // Bson::Document(...)

let json_date = json!({ "$date": { "$numberLong": "1590972160292" } });
let bson_date: Bson = json_date.try_into().unwrap(); // Bson::DateTime(...)

let invalid_ext_json = json!({ "$numberLong": 5 });
Bson::try_from(invalid_ext_json).expect_err("5 should be a string");

Serializing to Extended JSON

Extended JSON can be created via Bson’s Into<serde_json::Value> implementation (which will create relaxed extJSON), Bson::into_relaxed_extjson, and Bson::into_canonical_extjson.


let doc = bson!({ "x": 5i32, "_id": oid::ObjectId::new() });

let relaxed_extjson: serde_json::Value = doc.clone().into();
println!("{}", relaxed_extjson); // { "x": 5, "_id": { "$oid": <hexstring> } }

let relaxed_extjson = doc.clone().into_relaxed_extjson();
println!("{}", relaxed_extjson); // { "x": 5, "_id": { "$oid": <hexstring> } }

let canonical_extjson = doc.into_canonical_extjson();
println!("{}", canonical_extjson); // { "x": { "$numberInt": "5" }, "_id": { "$oid": <hexstring> } }
