Module bson::extjson::de

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Deserializing MongoDB Extended JSON v2


Extended JSON can be deserialized using Bson’s TryFrom<serde_json::Value> implementation. This implementation accepts both canonical and relaxed extJSON, and the two modes can even be mixed within a single representation.


let json_doc = json!({ "x": 5i32, "y": { "$numberInt": "5" }, "z": { "subdoc": "hello" } });
let bson: Bson = json_doc.try_into().unwrap(); // Bson::Document(...)

let json_date = json!({ "$date": { "$numberLong": "1590972160292" } });
let bson_date: Bson = json_date.try_into().unwrap(); // Bson::DateTime(...)

let invalid_ext_json = json!({ "$numberLong": 5 });
Bson::try_from(invalid_ext_json).expect_err("5 should be a string");


Error cases that can occur during deserialization from extended JSON.

Type Definitions