Module broot::app

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the part of the immutable command execution context which comes from the app

The container that can be passed around to provide the configuration things for the whole life of the App

global mutable state

short lived wrapping of a few things which are needed for the handling of a command in a panel and won’t be modified during the operation.

short lived wrapping of a few things which are needed for displaying panels

A colon on screen containing a stack of states, the top one being visible

the part of the command execution context which comes from the panel

The unique identifiant of a panel

light information about the currently selected file and maybe line number

All the precomputed status which don’t involve a verb

the status contains information written on the grey line near the bottom of the screen


Result of applying a command to a state

Either left or right

modes are used when the application is configured to be “modal”. If not, the only mode is the Input mode.

the possible special reason the panel was open

the symbolic reference to the panel to close

one of the types of state that you could find in a panel today


a panel state, stackable to allow reverting to a previous one


Type Definitions

the id of a line, starting at 1 (0 if not specified)