broker 11.1.0

Real-time BaaS (Backend as a Service)
broker-11.1.0 is not a library.

Broker - Real-time BaaS (Backend as a Service)


The purpose of this service is to be your real-time BaaS (Backend as a Service).

Broker is a SSE message broker that requires you write no backend code to have a full real-time API.

Broker is born from the need that rather than building a complex REST API with web-sockets and a SQL database to provide reactive web forms (like for React) there must be a simpler way.

Broker follows an insert-only/publish/subscribe paradigm rather than a REST CRUD paradigm.


  • Very performant with almost no CPU and memory usage
  • Under 1000 lines of code
  • Secure Real-time Event Stream via SSE - requires the use of broker-client
  • Supports CORS
  • Add users with admin token permission
  • Multi-tenant
  • Supports SSL - full end-to-end encryption
  • Provides user authentication with JWTs or HTTP Basic
  • Secure passwords with Argon2 encoding
  • Uses Global NTP servers and doesn't rely on your local server time
  • Insert event via JSON POST request
  • Sync latest events on SSE client connection
  • Auto-provision and renews SSL cert via LetsEncrypt or use your own SSL cert
  • Verify endpoint for external services using Broker user system like portal
  • User Management API endpoints (revoke, unrevoke, list, get, update)
  • User Email Address Validation (regex and blacklist check against throwaway emails)

How it works

In Broker you create a user, login, then insert an event with its data. Broker then publishes the event via SSE.

When the client first subscribes to the SSE connection all the latest events and data is sent to the client. Combined with sending the latest event via SSE when subscribed negates the necessity to do any GET API requests in the lifecycle of an event.

The side-effect of this system is that the latest event is the schema. This is pure NoSQL as the backend is agnostic to the event data.

Recommeded Services/Libraries to use with Broker

Broker FAQ

  • Why compete against Parse Server, Auth0, and Firebase?

    • Firebase is not open-source, is not free, and has complicated pricing.
    • Parse Server doesn't have real-time features and is about 30,000 LOC of JS.
    • Auth0 is not open-source, is not free, and is expensive.
  • Will broker work with mobile apps?

Yes with React Native. There may be native 3rd party libraries for SSE that work. In the future official libraries may be made available for native platforms.


Step 1 - create a user

POST /create_user 
  • public endpoint
    "username": "bob", 
    "password": "password1", 
    "admin_token": "letmein", 
    "tenant_name": "tenant_1",
    "email": "",
    "data": {
        "name": "Robert Wieland",
        "image": ""
  • admin_token is required and can be set in the command args - it is for not allowing everyone to add a user - the default is letmein
  • email and data is an optional field

will return 200 or 500 or 400

For JWT Auth: Step 2 - login with the user

POST /login 
  • public endpoint
    "username": "bob", 
    "password": "password1"

will return

    "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MTc2NzQ5MTUsImlhdCI6MTYxNzU4ODUxNSwiaXNzIjoiRGlzcGF0Y2hlciIsInN1YiI6ImZvbyJ9.OwiaZJcFUC_B0CA0ffRZVTWKRf5_vQ7vt5USNJEeKRE" 

Step 3 - connect to SSE

GET /sse
  • authenticated endpoint (Authorization: Bearer {jwt}) or (Authorization: Basic {username:password})
  • connect your sse-client to this endpoint using broker-client
  • note: broker-client uses fetch as eventsource doesn't support headers

Step 4 - insert an event

POST /insert 
  • authenticated endpoint (Authorization: Bearer {jwt}) or (Authorization: Basic {username:password})
    "event": "test", 
    "data": {
        "name": "robert",
        "image": ""

will return: 200 or 500 or 400 or 401

Optional - verify user

GET /verify
  • authenticated endpoint (Authorization: Bearer {jwt}) or (Authorization: Basic {username:password})
  • verifies that the user is authenticated on broker - used for external services like portal

will return: 200 or 500 or 401

Optional - revoke user

POST /revoke_user
  • public endpoint
    "admin_token": "letmein",
    "username": "bob"

will return: 200 or 500 or 400 or 401

  • note: revoked users cannot login

Optional - unrevoke user

POST /unrevoke_user
  • public endpoint
    "admin_token": "letmein",
    "username": "bob"

will return: 200 or 500 or 400 or 401

Optional - list users

POST /list_users
  • public endpoint
    "admin_token": "letmein",

will return: 200 or 500 or 400 or 401

200 - will return an array of objects

        "id": "69123c04-fa42-4193-a6c5-ab2fc27658b1",
        "password": "***",
        "revoked": false,
        "tenant_name": "tenant_1",
        "username": "bob",
        "email": "",
        "data": {
            "name": "Robert Wieland",
            "image": ""
  • note: email and data can be null

Optional - get user

POST /get_user
  • public endpoint
    "admin_token": "letmein",
    "username": "bob"

will return: 200 or 500 or 400 or 401

200 - will return an array of objects

    "id": "69123c04-fa42-4193-a6c5-ab2fc27658b1",
    "password": "***",
    "revoked": false,
    "tenant_name": "tenant_1",
    "username": "bob",
    "email": "",
    "data": {
        "name": "Robert Wieland",
        "image": ""
  • note: email and data can be null

Optional - update user

POST /update_user
  • public endpoint
    "admin_token": "letmein",
    "username": "bob",
    "tenant_name": "tenant_2",
    "password": "new_password",
    "email": "",
    "data": {
        "name": "Robert Falcon",
        "image": ""
  • note: tenant_name, password, email, data are optional fields

will return: 200 or 500 or 400 or 401

Optional - Health Check

  • public endpoint

will return: 200


cargo install broker

  • the origin can be passed in as a flag - default *
  • the port can be passed in as a flag - default 8080 - can only be set for unsecure connections
  • the jwt_expiry for jwts can be passed in as a flag - default 86400
  • the jwt_secret for jwts should be passed in as a flag - default secret
  • the secure flag for https and can be true or false - default false
  • the auto_cert flag for an autorenewing LetsEncrypt SSL cert can be true or false - requires a resolvable domain - default true
  • the key_path flag when auto_cert is false to set the SSL key path for your own cert - default certs/private_key.pem
  • the cert_path flag when auto_cert is false to set the SSL cert path for your own cert - default certs/chain.pem
  • the certs flag is the storage path of LetsEncrypt certs - default certs
  • the db flag is the path where the embedded database will be saved - default db
  • the domain flag is the domain name (e.g. of the domain you want to register with LetsEncrypt - must be fully resolvable
  • the admin_token flag is the password for the admin to add users - default letmein
  • production example: ./broker --secure="true" --admin_token"23ce4234@123$" --jwt_secret="xTJEX234$##$" --domain=""


There is an example systemctl service for Ubuntu called broker.service in the code

