[][src]Trait broccoli::query::knearest::KnearestQuery

pub trait KnearestQuery<'a>: Queries<'a> {
#[must_use]    pub fn k_nearest_mut<'b, K: Knearest<T = Self::T, N = Self::Num>>(
        &'b mut self,
        point: Vec2<Self::Num>,
        num: usize,
        ktrait: &mut K
    ) -> KResult<'_, Self::T>
        'a: 'b
, { ... } }

Knearest functions that can be called on a tree.

Provided methods

#[must_use]pub fn k_nearest_mut<'b, K: Knearest<T = Self::T, N = Self::Num>>(
    &'b mut self,
    point: Vec2<Self::Num>,
    num: usize,
    ktrait: &mut K
) -> KResult<'_, Self::T> where
    'a: 'b, 

Find the closest num elements to the specified point. The user provides two functions:

The result is returned as one Vec. The closest elements will appear first. Multiple elements can be returned with the same distance in the event of ties. These groups of elements are seperated by one entry of Option::None. In order to iterate over each group, try using the slice function: arr.split(|a| a.is_none())


 use broccoli::{prelude::*,bbox,rect};
 use axgeom::vec2;

 let mut inner1=vec2(5,5);
 let mut inner2=vec2(3,3);
 let mut inner3=vec2(7,7);

 let mut bots = [bbox(rect(0,10,0,10),&mut inner1),
               bbox(rect(2,4,2,4),&mut inner2),
               bbox(rect(6,8,6,8),&mut inner3)];

 let mut tree = broccoli::new(&mut bots);

 let mut handler = broccoli::query::knearest::from_closure(
    |_, point, a| Some(a.rect.distance_squared_to_point(point).unwrap_or(0)),
    |_, point, a| a.inner.distance_squared_to_point(point),
    |_, point, a| distance_squared(point.x,a),
    |_, point, a| distance_squared(point.y,a),

 let mut res = tree.k_nearest_mut(
       vec2(30, 30),
       &mut handler


 let foo:Vec<_>=res.iter().map(|a|*a[0].bot.inner).collect();


 fn distance_squared(a:isize,b:isize)->isize{
     let a=(a-b).abs();
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impl<'a, T: Aabb> KnearestQuery<'a> for Tree<'a, T>[src]

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