Crate brigadier_rs

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Minecraft command parsing crate inspired by Brigadier and nom. This crate tries to combine the easy syntax from Brigadier with the performant parsing concepts of nom.

Creating a parser

Using the builder pattern, different parsers can be chained together to create a logical tree a command can be propagated through. This is done by using the appropiate parser functions in the root of the crate. Custom parsers can be implemented using CommandArgument and most other traits. It is recommended to look at parser structs in parsers for inspiration.


let parser = literal("foo")
            .build_exec(|ctx: (), bar| {
                println!("Bar is {}", bar);
                Ok::<(), Infallible>(())
    ).build_exec(|ctx: ()| {
        println!("Called foo with no arguments");
        Ok::<(), Infallible>(())

This code creates a new parser that can parse commands in the forms of foo and foo <bar> and can be represented in a tree like this:

              +-----------+       +---------+
              | i32 (bar) +-----> | Execute |
              +-----+-----+       +---------+
+-----------+   |    (foo) |      +---------+
| lit (foo) +-->| Then     +----> | Execute |
+-----------+   +----------+      +---------+

The parser first expects a literal string “foo” as denoted by the literal("foo"). After this literal value, an optional integer can be provided. Note that the second argument is optional due to the Execute attached to the Then that branches to that argument.

Unlike Mojang’s brigadier, arguments are not collected in a Context object. They are instead fed directly into the provided closures. A generic context however is provided so dependents can pass data to the closures after parsing (ctx in the example).

Command help

A HelpArgument is provided to easily integrate a command into a help system. This is done by calling help() on a command parser like this:

let parser = literal("foo")
            .build_exec(|ctx: (), bar| {
                println!("Bar is {}", bar);
                Ok::<(), Infallible>(())
    ).build_exec(|ctx| {
        println!("Called foo with no arguments");
        Ok::<(), Infallible>(())
    .help("Short description of foo")
    .build_exec(|ctx: (), usages: UsagePrint<_>| {
        println!("'foo help' was called");
        Ok::<(), Infallible>(())

The parser can now return foo and Short description of foo when queried using HelpUsage, this is useful for collecting a list of commands. This also automatically chains a HelpArgument for foo help. The usages variable is an iterator over all the different syntaxes this parser understands (UsagePrint). In this example, that would be:

  • foo
  • foo <bar>

There will be as many syntaxes as action points (build_exec orbuild_propagate) defined. Note that foo help is ignored.


Collection of builtin parsers for several basic argument types.


A chain of two MultipleUsage iterators.
Error returned when parsing a command.
Name and description of a command.
Prefixes every usage returned by the contained MultipleUsage iterator with the contained SingleUsage.
Wrapper of MultipleUsage iterator.


Error kinds of CommandError.


Default argument marker trait.
Command logic builder type (without propagation).
Command logic builder type (with propagation).
Implemented on MultipleUsage that want to return a single “root” usage in the parser tree.
A parser for a command argument type.
Parser trait combination of Execute and HelpUsage.
Command parser execution entrypoint.
Type that returns a HelpEntry.
Type that can build a MultipleUsage.
One or more usages that can be iterated through.
Command parser propagation entrypoint.
A single usage able to write itself to a Write.
Command logic definition trait (with arguments).
Command logic definition trait (without arguments).
Chaining extension trait for argument type parsers (CommandArgument).
Type that can produce a usage list and help command.


Create a boolean parser
Create a f32 argument parser.
Create a f64 argument parser.
Create a i8 argument parser.
Create a i16 argument parser.
Create a i32 argument parser.
Create a i64 argument parser.
Create a u8 argument parser.
Create a u16 argument parser.
Create a u32 argument parser.
Create a u64 argument parser.
Create a new literal parser
Returns a new Prefix.