Expand description

Bindings to the Render X11 extension.



Opcode for the AddGlyphs request

Opcode for the AddTraps request

Opcode for the ChangePicture request

Opcode for the CompositeGlyphs8 request

Opcode for the CompositeGlyphs16 request

Opcode for the CompositeGlyphs32 request

Opcode for the Composite request

Opcode for the CreateAnimCursor request

Opcode for the CreateConicalGradient request

Opcode for the CreateCursor request

Opcode for the CreateGlyphSet request

Opcode for the CreateLinearGradient request

Opcode for the CreatePicture request

Opcode for the CreateRadialGradient request

Opcode for the CreateSolidFill request

Opcode for the FillRectangles request

Opcode for the FreeGlyphs request

Opcode for the FreeGlyphSet request

Opcode for the FreePicture request

Opcode for the Glyph error

Opcode for the GlyphSet error

Opcode for the Picture error

Opcode for the PictFormat error

Opcode for the PictOp error

Opcode for the QueryFilters request

Opcode for the QueryPictFormats request

Opcode for the QueryPictIndexValues request

Opcode for the QueryVersion request

Opcode for the ReferenceGlyphSet request

Opcode for the SetPictureClipRectangles request

Opcode for the SetPictureFilter request

Opcode for the SetPictureTransform request

Opcode for the Trapezoids request

Opcode for the Triangles request

Opcode for the TriFan request

Opcode for the TriStrip request

The X11 name of the extension for QueryExtension

The version number of this extension that this client library supports.

Type Definitions