[][src]Module brawl_api::model::rankings::players

Contains models for the /rankings/:country_code/players?limit=x Brawl Stars API endpoint. Included by the feature "rankings"; removing that feature will disable the usage of this module.



Represents a leaderboard of PlayerRankings - the top x players in a regional or global leaderboard, sorted by total trophies.


Represents a player's ranking, based on a regional or global leaderboard. To obtain the player's full data (a Player instance), see Player::fetch_from.


Represents the club in a player's ranking (a PlayerRanking object). Since the only data available at the moment is its name, it cannot be converted into a full [Club] object using a convenient method. For that, one must have the original PlayerRanking object, then convert it into a Player with Player::fetch_from.