Function bpaf::params::env

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pub fn env(variable: &'static str) -> NamedArg
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Environment variable fallback

If named value isn’t present - try to fallback to this environment variable.

You can specify it multiple times, bpaf would use items past the first one as hidden aliases.

For flag and switch environment variable being present gives the same result as the flag being present, allowing to implement things like NO_COLOR variables:

$ NO_COLOR=1 app --do-something

For combinatoric usage you must specify either short or long key if you start the chain from env.

Combinatoric usage
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Options {
    switch: bool,
    arg: usize,
    username: String,

pub fn options() -> OptionParser<Options> {
    let switch = short('s') // first `short` creates a builder
        .short('S') // second switch is a hidden alias
        .long("switch") // visible long name
        .long("also-switch") // hidden alias
        .help("Switch with many names")
        .switch(); // `switch` finalizes the builder

    let arg = long("argument") // long is also a builder
        .help("Argument with names")

    let username = long("user")
        .help("Custom user name")

    construct!(Options {
Derive usage
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
pub struct Options {
    #[bpaf(short, long, short('S'), long("also-switch"))]
    /// Switch with many names
    switch: bool,
    #[bpaf(short, long("argument"), short('A'), long("also-arg"))]
    /// Argument with names
    arg: usize,
    #[bpaf(short, long("user"), env("USER1"), argument("USER"))]
    /// Custom user name
    username: String,

As usual switch is optional, arguments are required

% app -a 42 -u Bobert
Options { switch: false, arg: 42, username: "Bobert" }

Help displays only visible aliases (and a current value for env arguments)

% app --help
Usage: [-s] -a ARG -u USER

Available options:
    -s, --switch          Switch with many names
    -a, --argument <ARG>  Argument with names
    -u, --user <USER>     [env:USER1 = "pacak"]
                          Custom user name
    -h, --help            Prints help information

But you can still use hidden aliases, both short and long

% app --also-switch --also-arg 330 --user Bobert
Options { switch: true, arg: 330, username: "Bobert" }

And unless there’s many or similar modifiers having multiple aliases doesn’t mean you can specify them multiple times:

% app -A 42 -a 330 -u Bobert
-a is not expected in this context

Also hidden aliases are really hidden and only meant to do backward compatibility stuff, they won’t show up anywhere else in completions or error messages

% app -a 42 -A 330 -u Bobert
No such flag: `-A`, did you mean `-u`?