Module bpaf::_unusual::find

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find(1): find -exec commands -flags terminated by \;

//! This is not a typical bpaf usage, but you should be able to replicate command line used by find

use bpaf::*;
use std::{ffi::OsString, path::PathBuf};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Perms {
    read: bool,
    write: bool,
    exec: bool,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Perm {

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Options {
    paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
    exec: Option<Vec<OsString>>,
    user: Option<String>,
    perm: Option<Perm>,

// Parses -user xxx
fn user() -> impl Parser<Option<String>> {
    let tag = any::<String>("TAG")
        .guard(|s| s == "-user", "not user")
    let value = positional::<String>("USER");
    construct!(tag, value)
        .map(|pair| pair.1)

// parsers -exec xxx yyy zzz ;
fn exec() -> impl Parser<Option<Vec<OsString>>> {
    let tag = any::<String>("-exec")
        .help("-exec /path/to/command flags and options ;")
        .guard(|s| s == "-exec", "not find");
    let item = any::<OsString>("ITEM")
        .guard(|s| s != ";", "not word")
    let endtag = any::<String>("END").guard(|s| s == ";", "not eot").hide();
    construct!(tag, item, endtag)
        .map(|triple| triple.1)

/// parses symbolic permissions `-perm -mode`, `-perm /mode` and `-perm mode`
fn perm() -> impl Parser<Option<Perm>> {
    fn parse_mode(input: &str) -> Result<Perms, String> {
        let mut perms = Perms::default();
        for c in input.chars() {
            match c {
                'r' => = true,
                'w' => perms.write = true,
                'x' => perms.exec = true,
                _ => return Err(format!("{} is not a valid permission string", input)),

    let tag = any::<String>("-mode").help("-mode (perm | -perm | /perm)");
    let mode = any::<String>("mode")
        .parse::<_, _, String>(|s| {
            if let Some(m) = s.strip_prefix('-') {
            } else if let Some(m) = s.strip_prefix('/') {
            } else {

    construct!(tag, mode)
        .map(|pair| pair.1)

pub fn options() -> OptionParser<Options> {
    let paths = positional::<PathBuf>("PATH").many();

    construct!(Options {

fn main() {
    println!("{:#?}", options().run());

Usually find takes a path where to look, the rest is optional

% app src tests
Options { paths: ["src", "tests"], exec: None, user: None, perm: None }

In addition to paths find can take some more options, typically unusual: username, note a single dash with a long name:

% app -user bob
Options { paths: [], exec: None, user: Some("bob"), perm: None }

Permissions, in an unusual format:

% app -mode /x
Options { paths: [], exec: None, user: None, perm: Some(Any(Perms { read: false, write: false, exec: true })) }

And the most interesting one is -exec which takes multiple arbitrary parameters terminated by ; (in shell you have to escape it as \\;)

% app -exec cat -A '{}' \;
Options { paths: [], exec: Some(["cat", "-A", "{}"]), user: None, perm: None }

As usuall you can mix them and order doesn’t matter

% app src -mode -r -user bob -exec rustc '{}' \;
Options { paths: ["src"], exec: Some(["rustc", "{}"]), user: Some("bob"), perm: Some(All(Perms { read: true, write: false, exec: false })) }

While bpaf takes some effort to render the help even for custom stuff - you can always bypass it by hiding options and substituting your own with custom header/footer.

% app --help
Usage: [<-exec>] [<USER>] [<-mode>] <PATH>...

Available positional items:
    <-exec>  -exec /path/to/command flags and options ;
    <-mode>  -mode (perm | -perm | /perm)

Available options:
    -h, --help  Prints help information