Module bpaf::_unusual::dd

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dd(1): dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1000

//! This is not a typical bpaf usage, but you should be able to replicate command line used by dd

use bpaf::*;
use std::str::FromStr;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Options {
    magic: bool,
    in_file: String,
    out_file: String,
    block_size: usize,

fn tag<T>(name: &'static str, meta: &'static str, help: &'static str) -> impl Parser<T>
    T: FromStr,
    <T as std::str::FromStr>::Err: std::fmt::Display,
    // it is possible to parse OsString here and strip the prefix with os_str_bytes or a similar
    // crate
        .parse::<_, _, String>(move |s| match s.strip_prefix(name) {
            None => Err("Wrong tag".to_string()),
            Some(body) => T::from_str(body).map_err(|e| e.to_string()),

fn in_file() -> impl Parser<String> {
    tag::<String>("if=", "if=FILE", "read from FILE instead of stdin").fallback(String::from("-"))

fn out_file() -> impl Parser<String> {
    tag::<String>("of=", "of=FILE", "write to FILE instead of stdout").fallback(String::from("-"))

fn block_size() -> impl Parser<usize> {
    // it is possible to parse notation used by dd itself as well, using only ints for simplicity
        "read/write SIZE blocks at once instead of 512",

pub fn options() -> OptionParser<Options> {
    let magic = long("magic").switch();
    construct!(Options {

fn main() {
    println!("{:#?}", options().run());

dd takes parameters in name=value shape

% app if=/dev/zero of=file bs=10000
Options { magic: false, in_file: "/dev/zero", out_file: "file", block_size: 10000 }

Usual properties about ordering holds, you can also mix them with regular options

% app if=/dev/zero of=file bs=10000 --magic
Options { magic: true, in_file: "/dev/zero", out_file: "file", block_size: 10000 }

Fallback works as expected

% app --magic bs=42
Options { magic: true, in_file: "-", out_file: "-", block_size: 42 }

Best effort to generate help, but you can always customize it further

% app --help
Usage: [--magic] [<if=FILE>] [<of=FILE>] [<bs=SIZE>]

Available positional items:
    <if=FILE>  read from FILE instead of stdin
    <of=FILE>  write to FILE instead of stdout
    <bs=SIZE>  read/write SIZE blocks at once instead of 512

Available options:
    -h, --help   Prints help information