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Using the library in derive style

About examples

Most of the examples omit adding doc comments to the fields, to keep things clearer, you should do that when possible for better enduser experience. Similarly examples define Parser instead of OptionParser - to be able to run them you need to use [bpaf(options)] annotations on the most outer structure.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
#[bpaf(options)] // <- important bit
struct Config {
    /// number used by the program
    number: u32,

In addition to examples in the documentation there’s a bunch more in the github repository: https://github.com/pacak/bpaf/tree/master/examples

Combinatoric and derive APIs share the documentation and most of the names, recommended reading order:

  1. construct! - what combinations are
  2. Named, positional and command - on consuming data
  3. Parser - on transforming the data
  4. OptionParser - on running the result

Getting started

  1. To use derive style API you need to enable "derive" feature for bpaf, by default it’s not enabled.

  2. Define primitive parsers if you want to use any. While it’s possible to define most of them in derive style - doing complex parsing or validation is often easier in combinatoric style

  3. Define types used to derive parsers, structs correspond to AND combination and require for all the fields to have a value, enums to OR combinations and require (and consume) all the values for one branch only.

  4. Add annotations to the top level of a struct if needed, there’s several to choose from and you can specify several of them. For this annotation ordering doesn’t matter.

    • Generated function name: generate

      Unlike usual derive macro bpaf_derive generates a function with a name derived from a struct name by transforming it from CamelCase to snake_case. generate annotation allows to override a name for the function

      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      #[bpaf(generate(make_config))] // function name is now make_config()
      pub struct Config {
          pub flag: bool
    • Generated function visibility: private

      By default bpaf uses the same visibility as the datatype, private makes it module private:

      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      #[bpaf(private)] // config() is now private
      pub struct Config {
          pub flag: bool
    • Generated function types: command, options

      By default bpaf_derive would generate a function that generates a regular Parser it’s possible instead to turn it into a command with command annotation or into a top level OptionParser with options annotation. Those annotations are mutually exclusive. options annotation takes an optional argument to use for cargo_helper, command annotation takes an optional argument to override a command name.

      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      pub struct Flag { // impl Parser by default
          pub flag: bool
      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      pub struct Make { // generates a command "make"
          pub level: u32,
      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      #[bpaf(options)] // config() is now OptionParser
      pub struct Config {
          pub flag: bool
    • Specify version for generated command: version

      By default bpaf_derive embedds no version information. With version with no argument results in using version from CARGO_PKG_VERSION env variable (specified by cargo on compile time, usually originates from Cargo.toml), version with argument results in using tht specific version - can be string literal or static string expression. Only makes sense for command and options annotations. For more information see version.

      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      #[bpaf(options, version("3.1415"))] // --version is now 3.1415
      pub struct Config {
          pub flag: bool
  5. Add annotations to individual fields. Structure for annotation for individual fields is similar to how you would write the same code with combinatoric API with exception of external and usually looks something like this:

    ((<naming> <consumer>) | <external>) <postprocessing>

    • naming section corresponds to short, long and env. short takes an optional character literal as a parameter, long takes an optional string, env takes an expression of type &'static str as a parameter - could be a string literal or a constant.

      • If parameter for short/long is parameter isn’t present it’s derived from the field name: first character and a whole name respectively.

      • If either of short or long is present - bpaf_derive would not add the other one.

      • If neither is present - bpaf_derive would add a long one.

      const DB: &str = "top_secret_database";
      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      pub struct Config {
         pub flag_1: bool,     // no annotation: --flag_1
         pub flag_2: bool,     // explicit short suppresses long: -f
         pub flag_3: bool,     // explicit short with custom letter: -z
         #[bpaf(short, long)]
         pub deposit: bool,    // explicit short and long: -d --deposit
         pub database: String, // --database + env variable from DB constant
         #[bpaf(env("USER"))]  // --user + env variable "USER"
         pub user: String,
    • consumer section corresponds to argument, positional, flag, switch and similar.

      • With no consumer annotations tuple structs (struct Config(String)) are usually parsed as positional items, but it’s possible to override it by giving it a name:
      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      struct Opt(PathBuf); // stays positional
      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      struct Config(#[bpaf(long("input"))] PathBuf); // turns into a named argument
      • bpaf_derive handles fields of type Option<Foo> and Vec<Foo> with something that can consume possibly one or many items with optional and many respectively, see postprocessing for more details.

      • bpaf_derive handles bool fields with switch, OsString and PathBuf with either positional_os or argument_os.

      • bpaf_derive consumes everything else as String with positional and argument and transforms it into a concrete type using FromStr instance. See documentation for corresponding consumers for more details.

    • If external is present - it usually serves function of naming and consumer, allowing more for postprocessing annotations after it. Takes an optional parameter - a function name to call, if not present - bpaf_derive uses field name for this purpose. Functions should return impl Parser and you can either declare them manually or derive with Bpaf macro.

      fn verbosity() -> impl Parser<usize> {
              .help("vebosity, can specify multiple times")
              .map(|x| x.len())
      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      pub struct Username {
          pub user: String
      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      pub struct Config {
         pub verbosity: usize,      // implicit name - "verbosity"
         pub custom_user: Username, // explicit name - "username"
    • postprocessing - various methods from Parser trait, order matters, most of them are taken literal, see documentation for the trait for more details. bpaf_derive automatically uses many and optional to handle Vec<T> and Option<T> fields respectively and inserts from_str for any field it doesn’t know how to pricess.

      Any operation that can change the type (such as parse or map) for disables this logic for the field and also requires to specify the consumer:

      #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
      struct Options {
          // #[bpaf(argument("NUM"), many)] - fails due to type mismatch
          // #[bpaf(from_str(u32), many)] - fails due to missing consumer
          #[bpaf(argument("NUM"), from_str(u32), many)]
          numbers: Vec<u32>
    • field-less enum variants obey slightly different set of rules, see req_flag for more details.

  6. Add documentation for help messages. bpaf_derive generates help messages from doc comments, it skips single empty lines and stops processing after double empty line:

    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Bpaf)]
    pub struct Username {
        /// this is a part of a help message
        /// so is this
        /// but this isn't
        pub user: String