Expand description

Using the library in combinatoric style

About examples

Examples tend to omit help, you should try to specify them whenever possible.

Most of the examples stop at defining the Parser, to be able to run them you need to convert your Parser into OptionParser with Parser::to_options.

fn parser() -> OptionParser<bool> {
        .to_options() // <- important bit

In addition to examples in the documentation there’s a bunch more in the github repository: https://github.com/pacak/bpaf/tree/master/examples

Combinatoric and derive APIs share the documentation and most of the names, recommended reading order:

  1. construct! - what combinations are and how you should read the examples
  2. Named, positional and command - on consuming data
  3. Parser - on transforming the data
  4. OptionParser - on running the result

Getting started

  1. Define primitive field parsers using builder pattern starting with short, long, command or positional, add more information using help, env and other member functions.

    For some constructors you end up with parser objects right away, some require finalization with argument, flag or switch.

    At the end of this step you’ll get one or more parser one or more objects implementing trait Parser, such as impl Parser<String>.

  2. If you need additional parsing and validation you can use trait Parser: map, parse, guard, from_str.

    You can change type or shape of contained or shape with many, some, optional and add a fallback values with fallback, fallback_with.

  3. You can compose resulting primitive parsers using construct macro into a concrete datatype and still apply additional processing from step 2 after this.

  4. Transform the toplevel parser created at the previous step into OptionParser with to_options and attach additional metadata with descr and other methods available to OptionParser.

  5. run the resulting option parser at the beginning of your program. If option parser succeeds you’ll get the results. If there are errors or user asked for help info bpaf handles this and exits.