macro_rules! construct {
    ($struct:ident { $( $field:ident ),* $(,)? }) => { ... };
    ($enum:ident :: $constr:ident { $( $field:ident ),* $(,)? }) => { ... };
    ($struct:ident ( $( $field:ident ),* $(,)? )) => { ... };
    ($enum:ident :: $constr:ident ( $( $field:ident ),* $(,)? )) => { ... };
    ($($x:ident),* $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Compose several parsers to produce a single result

Every parser must succeed in order to produce a result

Each parser must be present in a local scope and have the same name as struct field.

struct Res {
    a: bool,
    b: u32,
let a: Parser<bool> = short('a').switch();
let b: Parser<u32> = short('b').argument("B").from_str();
let res: Parser<Res> = construct!(Res { a, b });

construct! supports following representations:

  • structs with unnamed fields:
construct!(Res(a, b))
  • structs with named fields:
construct!(Res {a, b})
  • enums with unnamed fields:
construct!(Ty::Res(a, b))
  • enums with named fields:
construct!(Ty::Res {a, b})
  • tuples:
construct!(a, b)