Function bp3d_os::open::open

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pub fn open<'a, T: Into<Url<'a>>>(url: T) -> bool
Available on crate feature open only.
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Opens an URL using the default associated app for the URL scheme.

Returns true if the operation has succeeded.

Platform specific behavior

  • On macOS, this function calls openURL in NSWorkspace.

  • On iOS, this function currently returns false.

  • On Windows, this function calls ShellExecuteW with the “open” operation.

  • On Linux and most other unix systems, this function calls the dbus function ShowFolders in org.freedesktop.FileManager1 when the URL is a path to a directory, otherwise the function attempts to execute the xdg-open command line tool with the URL string as argument.


  • url: the URL to open.

returns: bool