

Public interface for the game engine’s capabilities Will be responsible for rendering, handling physics systems And controlling the game’s state through entitiy data

Colors represented in normalized values between 1.0 and -0.0 Eg: Red would be r: 1.0, g:0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0

Messages that will be communicated between components and entities

Rectangle Shape

A sprite manages a texture and a texture to create a drawable.

OpenGL texture. Upon creation, it defines a sampler uniform and initializes a texture buffer, loading it with wit the file’s data. Current supported format(s): png


Helper enum with predefined colors that translate to Color structs


Component Trait This is the basis for creating a component or system that acts within the engine

Trait interface that abstracts sprites, in case we want to pass Something more complicated than a simple sprite. Eg, a playable character

Entity trait This is the basis for any object that can be acted upon within the engine