Function bourse_de::sim_runner

source ·
pub fn sim_runner<A: AgentSet>(
    env: &mut Env,
    agents: &mut A,
    seed: u64,
    n_steps: u64,
    show_progress: bool
Expand description

Run a simulation for a fixed number of steps

Each step updates the state of the agents (who in turn can submit instructions to the environment and then update the environment state)


use bourse_de::{Env, sim_runner};
use bourse_de::agents::AgentSet;
use rand::RngCore;

// Dummy agent-type
struct Agents{}

impl AgentSet for Agents {
    fn update<R: RngCore>(
        &mut self, env: &mut Env, _rng: &mut R
    ) {}

let mut env = bourse_de::Env::new(0, 1, 1_000, true);
let mut agents = Agents{};

// Run for 100 steps from seed 101
sim_runner(&mut env, &mut agents, 101, 100, true)


  • env - Simulation environment
  • agents - Agent(s) implementing the AgentSet trait
  • seed - Random seed
  • n_steps - Number of simulation steps
  • show_progress - Show progress bar