Crate bourse_de

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Discrete event market simulation library

Implements a discrete event simulation environment (Env) and utilities for writing discrete event market simulations.


In the discrete event model the state of the market is updated in fixed size time-steps. Inside each step agents can submit updates/instructions to the the simulated market, which are then processed at the end of the step.

Each simulation update performs the following steps:

  • Iterate over all the agents, updating their state, and market instructions submitted to a queue.
  • The instructions are randomly shuffled, and then processed in sequence, updating the state of the market.
  • Record the state of the market.

Hence agents can only observe the state of the market at the end of the previous step when updating, and have no guarantee of the ordering of transactions.

See bourse_book for details of the limit order-book used in this environment.


use bourse_de::types::{Price, Side, Vol};
use bourse_de::agents;
use bourse_de::agents::Agent;
use bourse_de::{sim_runner, Env};
use rand::{RngCore, Rng};

// Define a set of agents using built
// in definitions
struct SimAgents {
    pub a: agents::MomentumAgent,
    pub b: agents::NoiseAgent,

// Initialise agent parameters
let m_params = agents::MomentumParams {
    tick_size: 2,
    p_cancel: 0.1,
    trade_vol: 100,
    decay: 1.0,
    demand: 5.0,
    scale: 0.5,
    order_ratio: 1.0,
    price_dist_mu: 0.0,
    price_dist_sigma: 10.0,

let n_params = agents::NoiseAgentParams{
    tick_size: 2,
    p_limit: 0.2,
    p_market: 0.2,
    p_cancel: 0.1,
    trade_vol: 100,
    price_dist_mu: 0.0,
    price_dist_sigma: 1.0,

let mut agents = SimAgents {
    a: agents::MomentumAgent::new(0, 10, m_params),
    b: agents::NoiseAgent::new(10, 20, n_params),

// Initialise the environment and agents
let mut env = Env::new(0, 1, 1_000_000, true);

// Run the simulation
sim_runner(&mut env, &mut agents, 101, 50, true);

// Get history of level 2 data over the course of the simulation
let data = env.level_2_data();

§Implementing Your Own Agents

For use in sim_runner simulation agents should implement the agents::AgentSet trait. For a set of homogeneous agents (i.e. all the agents are the same type) this can be implemented directly.

For a mixture of agent types, the agents::Agents macro can be used to automatically implement agents::AgentSet for a struct of agents all implementing agents::Agent. For examples

use bourse_de::{Env, sim_runner};
use bourse_de::agents::{Agent, AgentSet, Agents};
use rand::RngCore;

struct AgentTypeA{}

impl Agent for AgentTypeA{
    fn update<R: RngCore>(
        &mut self, env: &mut bourse_de::Env, rng: &mut R
    ) {}

struct AgentTypeB{}

impl Agent for AgentTypeB{
    fn update<R: RngCore>(
        &mut self, env: &mut bourse_de::Env, rng: &mut R
    ) {}

struct SimAgents {
    pub a: AgentTypeA,
    pub b: AgentTypeB,

let mut env = bourse_de::Env::new(0, 1, 1_000_000, true);
let mut agents = SimAgents{a: AgentTypeA{}, b: AgentTypeB{}};

sim_runner(&mut env, &mut agents, 101, 50, true);


To ensure simulations are deterministic (given a random seed) random generators (that implement the rand::RngCore trait) are passed to agents during the simulation. The rand_distr crate can be used to sample from common distributions.


  • Simulation agent traits and common implementations
  • Type aliases and order data-structures


  • Discrete event simulation environment



  • Run a simulation for a fixed number of steps