Function bounce::query::use_query_value

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pub fn use_query_value<'hook, T>(
    input: Rc<T::Input>
) -> impl 'hook + Hook<Output = UseQueryValueHandle<T>>
where T: Query + 'static + 'hook,
Available on crate feature query only.
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A hook to run a query and subscribes to its result.

A query is a state that is cached by an Input and queried automatically upon initialisation of the state and re-queried when the input changes.

Queries are usually tied to idempotent methods like GET, which means that they should be side-effect free and can be cached.

If your endpoint modifies data, then you need to use a mutation.


use std::rc::Rc;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use bounce::prelude::*;
use bounce::query::{Query, QueryResult, use_query_value};
use yew::prelude::*;
use async_trait::async_trait;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct User {
    id: u64,
    name: String,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct UserQuery {
    value: User

impl Query for UserQuery {
    type Input = u64;
    type Error = Infallible;

    async fn query(_states: &BounceStates, input: Rc<u64>) -> QueryResult<Self> {
        // fetch user

        Ok(UserQuery{ value: User { id: *input, name: "John Smith".into() } }.into())

fn comp() -> Html {
    let user = use_query_value::<UserQuery>(0.into());

    match user.result() {
        // The result is None if the query is currently loading.
        None => html! {<div>{"loading..."}</div>},
        // The result is Some(Ok(_)) if the query has loaded successfully.
        Some(Ok(m)) => html! {<div>{"User's name is "}{}</div>},
        // The result is Some(Err(_)) if an error is returned during fetching.
        Some(Err(e)) => html! {<div>{"Oops, something went wrong."}</div>},


When used in function components and hooks, this hook is equivalent to:

pub fn use_query_value<T>(input: Rc<T::Input>) -> UseQueryValueHandle<T>
    T: Query + 'static,
    /* implementation omitted */