Crate bounce

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The uncomplicated Yew State management library.


pub use states::atom::Atom;
pub use states::slice::Slice;


A module to manipulate common tags under the <head /> element.
Default Bounce exports.
A module to provide helper states to facilitate data fetching.


A component to register an artifact.
Properties of the Artifact Component.
A <BounceRoot />.
A type to access states under a bounce root.
A handle returned by use_atom.
A handle returned by use_slice.


A deferred result type for future notions.


A trait to provide cloning on atoms.
A trait to provide cloning on slices.
A trait to implement a Future-backed notion.
An auto-updating derived state, similar to Selector, but with an input.
A trait to be notified when the state value changes.
An auto-updating derived state.
A trait to apply a notion on a state.


A hook to read all artifacts of the current artifact type.
A hook to connect to an Atom.
A hook to produce a setter function for an Atom.
A read-only hook to connect to the value of an Atom.
A hook to create a function that when called, runs a FutureNotion with provided input.
A hook to connect to an InputSelector.
A hook to create a function that applies a Notion.
A hook to connect to a Selector.
A hook to connect to a Slice.
A hook to produce a dispatch function for a Slice.
A read-only hook to connect to the value of a Slice.

Attribute Macros

A future-based notion that notifies states when it begins and finishes.

Derive Macros

A simple state that is Copy-on-Write and notifies registered hooks when prev_value != next_value.
A reducer-based state that is Copy-on-Write and notifies registered hooks when prev_value != next_value.