This is supported on crate feature bluetoothd only.
Expand description

Publish local GATT services to remove devices.


Definition of local GATT application to publish over Bluetooth.

Handle to local GATT application published over Bluetooth.

Definition of local GATT characteristic exposed over Bluetooth.

An object to control a characteristic and receive events once it has been registered.

A handle to store inside a characteristic definition to make it controllable once it has been registered.

Notification session.

Characteristic notify definition.

Characteristic read definition.

Read value request.

Characteristic write definition.

A remote request to start writing to a characteristic via IO.

Write value request.

Definition of local GATT characteristic descriptor exposed over Bluetooth.

An object to control a characteristic descriptor once it has been registered.

A handle to store inside a characteristic descriptors definition to make it controllable once it has been registered.

Characteristic descriptor read definition.

Read characteristic descriptor value request.

Characteristic descriptor write definition.

Write characteristic descriptor value request.

Definition of local profile (GATT client) instance.

Handle to published local profile (GATT client) instance.

Definition of local GATT service exposed over Bluetooth.

An object to control a service once it has been registered.

A handle to store inside a service definition to make it controllable once it has been registered.


An event on a published characteristic.

Characteristic notify value method.

Characteristic write value method.

Link type.

Error response from us to a Bluetooth request.


Type Definitions

Characteristic start notifications function.

Characteristic read value function.

Characteristic write value function.

Characteristic descriptor read value function.

Characteristic descriptor write value function.

Result of a Bluetooth request to us.