macro_rules! port {
    ($mod:ident) => { ... };
    ($mod:ident as $name:ident) => { ... };
    ($outer:ident::$inner:ident) => { ... };
    ($outer:ident::$inner:ident as $name:ident) => { ... };
    ($outer:ident: [$($inner:ident,)+]) => { ... };
    ($outer:ident: [$($inner:ident as $name:ident)+,]) => { ... };
Expand description

Define and export a specific port module (transparently pulls its namespace to the current one).

Used mostly to conveniently fit the module declaration and reexport under a single configuration flag.


#[cfg(feature = "stm32_any")]
// Expands into:
pub mod stm32;
pub use self::stm32::*;

#[cfg(feature = "stm32_any")]
port!(stm32::flash as mcu_flash);
// Expands into:
pub mod stm32 { pub mod flash };
pub use self::stm32::flash as mcu_flash;