Function bls_on_arkworks::verify

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pub fn verify(
    pk: &PublicKey,
    message: &Octets,
    signature: &Signature,
    dst: &Octets
) -> bool
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(spec link) Checks that a signature is valid for the octet string message under the public key PK.


   1. R = signature_to_point(signature)
   2. If R is INVALID, return INVALID
   3. If signature_subgroup_check(R) is INVALID, return INVALID
   4. If KeyValidate(PK) is INVALID, return INVALID
   5. xP = pubkey_to_point(PK)
   6. Q = hash_to_point(message)
   7. C1 = pairing(Q, xP)
   8. C2 = pairing(R, P)
   9. If C1 == C2, return VALID, else return INVALID

XXX: this function doesn’t take DST as an argument in the spec. It should!