Crate blot

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Blot library

blot computes the checksum for the given blob of data following the Objecthash algorithm adapted to work with Multihash hints.

blot foundation is the trait Blot. By default all Rust’s primitives are implemented (See core). If you need more flexibility, either implement it for your types or use value::Value.

Blot requires a hashing function implementing the Multihash trait. The default feature enables SHA1, SHA2, SHA3 and Blake2.

Example: primitives

use blot::core::Blot;
use blot::multihash::Sha3256;

println!("{}", "foo".digest(Sha3256));
println!("{}", 1.digest(Sha3256));
println!("{}", vec![1, 2, 3].digest(Sha3256));

Example: mixed collections

Mixed collections require a type able to describe them consistently, like the value::Value enum.

extern crate blot;
use blot::core::Blot;
use blot::multihash::Sha3256;
use blot::value::Value;

fn main() {
    let value: Value<Sha3256> = set!{"foo", "bar", list![1, 1.0], set!{}};

    println!("{}", value.digest(Sha3256));


pub use core::Blot;
pub use multihash::Multihash;


Blot core implementation.
Blot implementation for common JSON.
Multihash implementation.
Sealed digest multihash.
Blot tags.
Uvar is an implementation of unsigned variable integers.
Represents a multi-type value able to express any Objecthash combination.
