Crate blit

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Draw sprites quickly using bitwise operations and a masking color.


This crate is on and can be used by adding blit to the dependencies in your project’s Cargo.toml.

blit = "0.5"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate blit;


extern crate image;

const WIDTH: usize = 180;
const HEIGHT: usize = 180;
const MASK_COLOR: u32 = 0xFF00FF;

let mut buffer: Vec<u32> = vec![0xFFFFFFFF; WIDTH * HEIGHT];

let img = image::open("examples/smiley.png").unwrap();
let img_rgb = img.as_rgb8().unwrap();

// Blit directly to the buffer
let pos = (0, 0);
img_rgb.blit(&mut buffer, WIDTH, pos, Color::from_u32(MASK_COLOR));

// Blit by creating a special blitting buffer first, this has some initial
// overhead but is a lot faster after multiple calls
let blit_buffer = img_rgb.to_blit_buffer(Color::from_u32(MASK_COLOR));

let pos = (10, 10);
blit_buffer.blit(&mut buffer, WIDTH, pos);
let pos = (20, 20);
blit_buffer.blit(&mut buffer, WIDTH, pos);

// Save the blit buffer to a file"smiley.blit");


pub use image_feature::*;
pub use aseprite_feature::*;



A data structure holding a color and a mask buffer to make blitting on a buffer real fast.
A newtype representing the color in a buffer.


A trait adding blitting functions to image types.