Module blarse::token

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  • A representation of a token. The body field points to the underlying string from which the characters in this token come. The indices field contains a range representing which contiguous characters are used. The tags field is a vector of borrowed strings with user-defined values.


  • Represents the possible shapes of a vector of tokens. A vector of tokens could contain multiple tokens, a single token (a common special case), or none at all (a rare corner case).


  • A token with no contents and a static body.
  • Prints a vector of tokens using their default Display method.
  • Chops up a string slice into a vector of owned tokens. Also appends an empty token to the tail of the vector to enable certain lexing functions like scanning for words.
  • Consolidates a single string slice and a vector of tags into one token. Mostly used for debugging.
  • Goes with the TokenStructure enum. Specifies whether a borrowed vector of tokens consists of multiple tokens, a single token, or none at all.
  • Wraps up a vector of consecutive tokens into one token and applies the specified tags.