[][src]Crate bitmatch

The bitmatch crate provides tools for packing and unpacking integers as sequences of bits.

These are achieved via the #[bitmatch] attribute and the bitpack!() macro. Because of the limitations of the current proc-macro system, they both must be used inside a function that has the #[bitmatch] attribute on it.


Using #[bitmatch] with a let unpacks the bits into separate single-character variables for each letter you use.

Using bitpack!() re-packs the bits from those single-character variables into a single integer.

use bitmatch::bitmatch;

fn interleave(n: u8) -> u8 {
    let "xxxx_yyyy" = n;

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(interleave(0xF0), 0xAA);

You can use #[bitmatch] on a match as well, and it will ensure that the literal portions match, and bind the variable portions.

use bitmatch::bitmatch;
fn decode(inst: u8) -> String {
    match inst {
        "00oo_aabb" => format!("Op {}, {}, {}", o, a, b),
        "0100_aaii" => format!("Val {}, {}", a, i),
        "01??_????" => format!("Invalid"),
        "10ii_aabb" => format!("Ld {}, {}, {}", a, b, i),
        "11ii_aabb" => format!("St {}, {}, {}", a, b, i),


A pattern in bitpack is a string containing a binary literal with some bits replaced with variables and "don't cares." Starting at the most basic end, you have plain literals: "0001" is a 4-bit literal number 1. Just like in Rust's integer literals, you can use underscores as you like, which is particularly helpful when dealing with longer bitstrings. For example, "00000000_00000000" is a 16-bit number zero. You can also use spaces for rhythm as well, so that could be equivalently written as "0000_0000 0000_0000".

Only working with literals, you don't get any benefit over plain binary integer literals, so that's where don't-cares come in. You can use a ? to mark a bit as being allowed to be either 0 or 1. The pattern "0??0" will match any of "0000", "0010", "0100", and "0110".

As the final step, bitmatch also allows you to include variables in your patterns, and they will be extracted as separate variables in your program. Each bit that uses the same letter will be tightly packed into the corresponding output value. As an example, with the pattern "aabb", the variable a has its bit 0 correspond to the pattern's bit 2. If you have a noncontiguous pattern like "aabbaabb", then you get two variables a and b that have 4 bits each, all compressed down to fit at their least-significant bit.

Bitmatch with let

When using #[bitmatch] with a let, you must use a pattern which can always match, which means no literal bits. The following doesn't compile because it might fail to match in some cases, like if n = 0xF.

This example deliberately fails to compile
let "00aa" = n;

The following does compile, and binds portions of the integer to the separate variables. Since they're 4 bits, they get one hex digit each:

let n = 0xCD;
let "aaaabbbb" = n;
assert_eq!(a, 0xC);
assert_eq!(b, 0xD);

When matching non-contiguous bits in the same variable, the spaces in between the chunks are squished away.

let n = 0b0111_1001;
let "aabbaabb" = n;
assert_eq!(a, 0b0110);
assert_eq!(b, 0b1101);

Bitmatch with match

Working with a match, you can use any bitmatch pattern. It will check exhaustivity for your pattern and fail if you don't handle all cases.

This example deliberately fails to compile
match x {
   "1???" => 0,
   "00??" => 1,
/* "01??" => 1, */ // this case is necessary though :)

In addition to the main patterns, you can also include pattern guards that include the bit-variables.

match x {
   "aabb" if a == b => None,
   "aabb" => Some((a, b)),


When calling bitpack!, you must provide a fully determined pattern. That means you can't use any ? bits, only literal bits and variables.

bitpack! does the opposite job of all the matching, letting you combine single letter variables back into a packed integer. These were designed with field-packing and mixing in mind. All of the bits of a given variable are included in the same order they were in the variable, starting from the least significant bit.

let a = 0xCD;
let b = 0xEF;
let y = bitpack!("0011aaaabbbbaaaa");
assert_eq!(y, 0x3CFD);

Attribute Macros


Marks a function as able to use the bitmatch items.