Trait bitintr::Tzcnt [] [src]

pub trait Tzcnt {
    fn tzcnt(self) -> Self;

Counts trailing zero bits

Required Methods

Counts the number of trailing least significant zero bits.

When the source operand is 0, it returns its size in bits.

This is equivalent to searching for the least significant set bit and returning its index.

Keywords: Count trailing zeros, Bit scan forward, find first set.


  • TZCNT:
    • Description: Count the number of trailing zero bits.
    • Architecture: x86.
    • Instruction set: BMI.
    • Registers: 16/32/64 bit.


assert_eq!(0b1001_0000_u16.tzcnt(), 4_u16);
assert_eq!(0b0000_0000_u32.tzcnt(), 32_u32);
assert_eq!(0b0000_0001_u64.tzcnt(), 0_u64);
